The Game

Chronicles Of Teddy

Chronicles of Teddy: Harmony of Exidus is a 2D Adventure Action game with a Pixel Art Retro finish. Help Tarant in a quest, in which you will have to fight, use your sense of direction and hearing to accomplish your mission.


Chronicles Of Teddy

Chronicles of Teddy: Harmony of Exidus is a 2D Adventure / Action game with a Pixel Art Retro finish. Help Tarant in a quest, in which you will have to fight, use your sense of direction and hearing to accomplish your mission.

Key points

Very long-playing time, over 20 hours for the main quest. Dozens of hours for the secondary quests!

Beautiful Pixel Art Finish that takes us back to the 8-16-bit era, with modern effects.

Unique use of music with the Musicom.

A high-level challenge and difficulty that all Gamers will love.

An Action / Adventure type game which is all too rare nowadays.


Thông tin về game

  • Tựa đề: Chronicles Of Teddy

  • Thể loại:

  • Thẻ:

  • Người phát triển: Storybird

  • Nhà xuất bản: Plug In Digital (Look At My Game)

Ngôn ngữ

Giao diện Giọng nói Phụ đề

Yêu cầu hệ thống

Tối thiểu

  • OS: Windows 7+

  • CPU: 1.8 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo or better

  • RAM: 1 GB

  • GC: OpenGL 2.1 compatible GPU

  • HDD: 300 MB

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